BNP Paribas
BNP Paribas Real Estate is home to all our experts in six business lines covering the whole property cycle: Property Development, Transaction, Consulting, Valuation, Property Management and Investment Management. BNP Paribas Real Estate belongs to BNP Paribas Group, a global name in banking and financial services.
Why did they come to us?
Every year, BNP publishes hundreds of brochures pitching against other real estate companies for the sale of real estate properties worth many hundreds of millions. A pitch brochure is therefore a very important means for BNP to win large orders.
How did we do it?
For a large corporate such as BNP Paribas it was essential that we understood the international BNP Brand Bible. Not only do you have to do what it says, but as a designer you also have to really understand it – only then can you make designs that fit BNP’s philosophy.
What was the result
A pitch brochure is all about sales and thus convincing the reader. We managed using beautiful images in which readers can immerse themselves and dream away. Clear tables and statistics that convey the message at a glance. And… clearly readable typography in which the information is presented to the reader in an orderly manner.
To round it all off, the brochures feature the typical BNP Paribas style with its recognisable green areas. All the brochures that we developed for BNP over the years have more than proved their worth. Altogether, they accounted for 70% of pitches won – over 500 million in real estate assignments. That’s why we do this…